

Guide to Domain Name Status Codes

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) domain status codes, also called domain name status codes, indicate the status of a domain name registration. Every domain has at least one status code, but they can also have more than one.

The following is list of domain name status codes which are applied to domain names.

Status Code Notes
ACTIVE Normal state of a domain name. Domain can be used, modified, deleted and renewed.
OK Domain name is active and can be used.
INACTIVE Domain name can not be used because name servers are not set or are incorrect.
REGISTRAR-HOLD Domain name is placed on hold by sponsoring registrar. The domain can not be used, modified or deleted. Domain can be renewed.
REGISTRY-HOLD Domain name is placed on hold by registry. The domain can not be used, modified or deleted. Domain can be renewed.
REGISTRAR-LOCK Domain name is locked by registrar. The domain can not be modified or deleted. Domain can be uses and renewed. This is often done upon request by the domain name registrant.
REGISTRY-LOCK Domain name is locked by registry. The domain can not be modified or deleted. Domain can be used and renewed.
REDEMPTIONPERIOD Domain name has expired and is under Redemption Period of 30 days. Domain name can not be used, modified or deleted. Domain can only be restored by paying redemption fees.
PENDINGRESTORE Domain name is being restored from Redemption Period.
PENDINGDELETE Domain name has expired and is no longer available for redemption. Domain name will be deleted from the registry database after being in this status for 5 calendar days.
CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the sponsporing registrar so that it can not be deleted.
SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the registry so that it can not be deleted.
CLIENT_HOLD Domain name is locked by the sponsoring registrar so that it can not be used.
SERVER_HOLD Domain name is locked by the registry so that it can not be used.
CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the sponsoring registrar so that it can not be renewed.
SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the registry so that it can not be renewed.
CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the sponsoring registrar so that it can not be transferred to another registrar.
SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the registry so that it can not be transferred to another registrar.
CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the sponsoring registrar so that it's settings can not be modified.
SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED Domain name is locked by the registry so that it's settings can not be modified.
PENDING_DELETE Domain name is in process of being deleted by the registry.
PENDING_TRANSFER Domain name is in process of being transferred from one registrar to another. Domain name can not be modified during this period.

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