

Our Promise Delivered

IndiaLinks was founded with the vision of being a customer friendly, technology service company that was easy to do business with. We wanted to adopt systems, define processes, implement tools and have the right TEAM to meet our vision. We wanted to ensure that we exceed our customer's expectations at every interactions.

This vision is integral key component of every part of IndiaLinks resulting into a unique level of customer service, which we call "LiveSupport"

To ensure "LiveSupport" we have focussed on following key areas.

  • The Team

    The Team

    As a focused Managed Hosting Provider, we take customer service & satisfaction as our highest priority. We believe that Customer Support focus is a key area for any company to offer high level of services and generate trust in customers. We have always been dedicated to committed & personalized customer services. Although many of the key services can be automated, service level ultimately relies on customer support team. More than just great technical skills, they must have strong desire to solve problems for customers.

    We only hire those who demonstrate dedication & strong passion for helping people. Potential employees must posses qualities like friendliness, patience & desire to grow in a self challenge environment. We recruit executives based on their personal values and we train for technical expertise.

    Our team members at all levels of the company go through the ongoing training programs which makes us a Strong work force.

    Our information sharing process, group discussion and internal bulletin boards ensures that all key information is shared by all team members.

    Finally, our employees function in a team environment which encourages an outstanding service experience to our customers. Our Team Work approach allows customers to develop deep personal relationships with team members. Each employee's compensation is linked directly to the overall satisfaction of their team's customers. Each member's metrics are tracked individually and results of the team are published on daily basis. Team members take pride in sharing how satisfied their customers are.

    IndiaLinks is a company committed to hiring and training people that fit our values. We realize that this is an MUST element to keep our LiveSupport philosophy intact as we grow.

  • Systems & Tools

    Systems & Tools

    To meet & exceed customer's expectations, is impossible without proper systems in place. Systems serve as foundation upon which our Managed Hosting Platform is built. Flexible systems are must to achieve our vision "LiveSupport".

    We have in-house developed number of systems & tools, from the phone system that tracks customer calls, online support ticketing system, automated centralized hosting environment which is capable of controlling hundreds of servers right from one single control panel, server & port monitoring tools, server robots capable of self-correcting technical issues to complex reporting tools. Real advantages IndiaLinks has over other technology service company is that our systems are built specially for MANAGED HOSTING.

    Integration of our systems gives us incredible flexibility when serving our customers. Our systems do not only offer automation for our services that can deploy complex hosting environments within minutes, but once they are deployed, we are able to monitor, identify & resolve problems all from within one system very quickly.

    Our tools provides over 80% of required man power. Efficiency & automated processes translates into faster service and a dramatic reduction in human error.

  • Methodology


    We continually work on implementing & improving processes to remove hassles for our customers and improve the overall service standards.

    Our vision to make it easy for our customers to do business with us is a key focus of "Live Support". We look for processes that could be made automated or simpler for our customers and when we find one, we make changes. Each and every TEAM member of IndiaLinks is expected to identify processes that could be improved.

    Customer feedback is one of the main key inputs to improve processes. We solicit and encourage feedback from our customers.

CEO's message

"We recognized that customers were looking for more than just Web Hosting - they needed service. In any service company, what frustrates the most is, getting the right person to quickly solve problem.

We adopted motto of never allowing this frustration. This lead us to the foundation of LiveSupport philosophy."

- Bhavin Chandarana, Founder & CEO

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