
Domain Reseller Program

Domain Reseller Program - FAQs

  • What is initial deposits or pre-paid receipts?

    We follow debit account system (pre-paid account). Every time you register or renew domain names, amount gets debited from your debit account.

    To start registering domain names, you need to add initial deposits to your debit account which is fully usable. There is no minimum amount required to start your account. Higher initial amount you pay, you will get qualified for higher slabs and lower domain pricing.

  • Are there any setup fees or monthly fees?

    There are no setup fees or any monthly fees. You just need to add deposits to your debit account to start registering domain names. Deposits are fully usable.

  • Can I use my initial deposits?

    Yes. All amount deposited in your debit account are fully usable.

  • How does slab based pricing work?

    We offer slab based pricing structure. Based on your initial deposits or active domain count, you qualify for the respective pricing slabs. As your domain count increases, you will automatically qualify for higher slabs and lower pricing.

  • How do I add fund to my debit account?

    We accept various online & offline payment methods. In case of online payments, bank deducts transaction charges. Amount will be deposited to your debit account after deducting the transaction charges.

  • Can I make higher deposit and move to higher slab?

    Yes, you can make higher initial deposits to qualify & move to respective higher pricing slabs.

    When you directly move to higher pricing slab by paying higher deposits, you will qualify for slab protection period of 6 months to achieve domain count required for the respective slab. After this period, pricing slab will automatically change based on your total domain count.

  • What happens if my fund exhausts?

    We follow debit account system (pre-paid account). You will not be able to register or renew domain names if you exhaust funds in your debit account. You can simply refill your debit account by adding desired amount.

  • If I start with Slab 1 then how can I move to Slab 4 directly?

    Based on your initial deposits or active domain count, you qualify for the respective pricing slabs. As your domain count increases, you will automatically qualify for higher slabs.

    You can directly move to higher pricing slab anytime by paying difference of initial deposits you paid & initial deposits required for the respective slab.

    When you move to higher pricing slabs by paying differential deposits, you will qualify for slab protection period of 6 months to achieve domain count required for the respective slab. After this period, pricing slab will automatically change based on your total domain count.

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